Saturday, April 30, 2011

Divine, Divide.... Conquer~

University life is not as easy as it seemed 
though it is actually much more interesting than we could possibly imagine,
but, of course, for things to come as sweet, there's a bit of sacrification that had to be made...
As hard as the life here could be, there's pleasure in every hard and difficult times we faced here.
We just need a spoonful of  determination,
 a bowl of patient,
a cup of faith, a pinch of courage and 
a sprinkle of optimistic potion..... 
You 'll get through every inch and every square of the obstacle....
 Trust me!!... You have nothing to lose~

* some personal advice.... 
in your first year, you might get too overwhelmed by the unfamiliar condition of the university.... 
You would wanna try everything...
 sometimes that may cause you trouble but most of the time you'll gain more experiences... 
Just be sure to b yourself despite what other people thinks...
 if you do want to change for the better, by all means go for it but !!
make sure  the changes you made is for your only self not for other people...
 it took me sometime to realize that. 
 If you ever fall down, Don't rise up all at once...
 take a step back and get up one feet at a time.... 
You might not realize it now but by doing that... 
You'll save many hearts from broken and torn into pieces~

WOW of d Day: Healing takes time, Don't rush or else It'll eventually get worse.

~Ver Que Cuando Te Veo~
Peace be Upon You

Friday, April 29, 2011

Gosh, If only I Had.......

Questioned youself!
Have You ever questioned yourself?/
Questioned your acts and rethink your thoughts...
Have you ever experienced having these little thoughts that come by for just a second or two and then suddenly fled away....??

Sitting in a corner , you suddenly wonder about those simple little things that fail to get your interest at other times but in that exact moment, it captures all your attention... and all you could think about is that.

Although it seemed hard to believe, the next thing u know... that petty little thoughts you have had suddenly disappeared , as if it was never there in your mind before.... have you?? 

I asked ,myself sometimes.... why is it when all that thoughts came to my mind, I fail to have a piece of paper and a pen to wrote it down.... It would have made all the difference......
 ~Ver Que Cuando Te Veo~

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Choices in Life!!. How will You be sure it's the correct one??

Good Evening.....

To start... I wanna clear something out. I 'll not going to answer the question above, k..
I find it hard to know what's best and even make a simple decision sometimes...
analogically speaking...
to make an order in a diner.. I would take longer than anyone else...
 sometimes I'll let them go first..huhu
sometimes I just give the name of my favourite food to save me the trouble of choosing through the menu
sometimes i made the waiter angry.. waiting ..waiting .. n waiting.. huhu.. I'm sorry
sometimes... I just refuse to eat.... so I don't have to choose any dishes...
WHY is it so difficult for us (* refering to my own definite self) to make choices in life?

Who Knows Best??
People say... Mom Knows Best! 
haha... why don't I think of that...?? ;-)
My mom is not with me now...
that could be use for certain occasion...
though afterwards, You still have to make choices but NOW , after performing that, you feel less regretful of your decision and that probably be the best decision you ever made...
We Do Have To Make Choices....
I don't know bout you guys but, I can't begin to make my choices so how could I know the outcome.. 
bad or good
let's learn to start 'believe in making choices' before we 'believe in the outcome'..
 wow!! That's a difficult one~

To be continued~
~ver que cuando te veo~

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Wow! I'm late~

I'm late at almost everything.... I hope I won't be late in realizing I'm late.. AGAIN!!..huhu
well, actually, I'm late at posting this entry...hehe
today's entry is about how wonderful the past couple of weeks have been for me.
I met a lot of new friends and learn a bunch of new tricks here & there.
I'm actually talking about
the one & only 
NC Cup Tournament..
I'm not gonna talk bout how it went...
just gonna talk bout my side of the "view"

I've always wanted to be in a debate and now, being in a debate club and having my own team is almost like a dream come true for me...
there's a negative side of my dream..huhu
I'm not much of a talented debate..
but thanks to NC Cup.. I learn a few tricks and noted some points in sharpening my skill in debate.
like our senior said, "debating is like iron , that if you don't debate often, it will rust"
I feel that is true.. heemmm~
and.. we have to read a lot!!..... 
at least spend several minutes to read something and make sure it stays in our very mind
I'm very sure I didn't read that much..huhu
gotta have to start reading...haha..

I Love my new Family.. although , we are the new addition to the family, we get along quite good..
this shows how great it is to be in the English Debate Club...
Hope to see more of you guys later~
~ver que cuando te veo~

What bout it??

For those who might be wondering what does my entry today got to do with the title??
"it"... haha.. I'm referring it to.... "nightingale"
For those who have been to my facebook lately.....
You of all people might notice that I'm quite fond of nightingale recently...
(erkk* for those who haven't been there... start klik-ing.... i'm a klik away....
yes!!.. klik it... what are you waiting for.. ahaha.....;-(
yes.. i know..the url... i should have go for something better ..daaa)

we have gone too far already..haha... back on track now!!


10% of it may got smtgh to do with...the name itself
it's catchy... kinda nostalgic... 
 the night ..haha... I love the moon.. so, kinda got carried away there..haha
anyway.... what it is really about is....
NIGHTINGALE.... is actually a kinda of bird.... 
if I were to state a type of bird I love... I would definitely say , " nightingale" as my answer...  ;-)
"A poet is a nightingale who sits in darkness and sings to cheer its own solitude with sweet 
Sweet, right?? hehe
I'm kinda lonely... n in the process of evolving... huhu..
hopefully for the betterment of mankind.. lol!!
But, seriously...  I'm really not what I'm used to be.. or at least, I thought I was.. ;-(
I'm singing to myself to cheer me in my own solitude...
which in this case.. I am actually writing instead of singing.. ;-)
that brings me to ponder about what I've recently gather from my favorite TV Action Series...
"Criminal Minds"
aired every monday on 8TV ... err.. i forgot the time.. catch it's the link

well, it's on the episode where BAU ( Behavioral Analysis Unit) 
tried to uncovers the mystery about a killer who is a techno genius...
 a homosidal who spot his victim every move through status update on social networks...... 
& that my friends.. includes>> Facebook, myspace, twitt, Ym,,..a.o.o.s ( alot of other source)

in short!

one of the agent ask... " why would someone wrote all this in their wall" 
he asked when he saw how detail the victim is on her status update.
Hotch from the BAU said.. " well, it's actually very simple... they are imagining that out there somewhere there's a thousand people who'll b following her every move..kinda like a fan"
(* excuse.. it's an adaptation so, might not b the exact real word but the message is more or less the same)

In  a nut shell...what I'm trying to state here is the fact that...

You don't have to blame people for being  a little too open about their life on social network.. coz, hey!!..
you did that... you might forget.. but, it stays in the net forever~....
they say.." Internet Lives Forever"
You could just avoid reading it... it saves you the trouble of  getting nauseous over it
Oh, well... and that says it all..
thanks for being ever so kind to read this entry.
today's entry is kinda unacademic.. don't u think so?...huhu
I tried..
like I always said.....
~ver que cuando te veo~
Wanna find out more on nightingale... check out this link.....

i know it's a wikipedia.... if it's not for ur assignment.. then ,it's should b alright.. ;-)

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Now & Then

Dear Amigas, 
 Have you ever wonder ...what have you become now?
and what differentiate you back then & now...
well.... to start it up with some juicy story...
here goes "something".

This story goes a while back. But first, let us be reminded that this tale does not originally come from right under my sleeve.... but, as a matter of fact, i gathered this from my stack of Folklore...

In a countryside, far off philadelphia, near norweign county but high above the shore and east side ... 
(* bare in mind... I failed geography class)
there lived four young girls who had shared laughs, pranks, tears and altogether, 
making them a real good friends to one another.
 Those girls are Robertha, Samantha, Lilian, and Crissy.

Robertha was a kinda girl that wishes she was a boy.
Growing up with her father and her three brothers.. who won't?? ;-)
She even tied her chest area to stop it from growing bigger every day.
She always startled her friends, playing dead...she love making fun of death maybe because she had lost her mother in death. Her father said that an angle came to the earth and took her mother away with a smile.

Samantha was kinda lovely, soft and a gentle girl. 
 With her caucasian look, she loves make up, clothes, jeweleries and stuff. 
All there is to it to a girl.. yes sir.. it's hers all right!

Lilian is a cross mexican american girl who were very fascinated with magical stuff. 
She believes about conjuring spirit in physical form so it can be seen by the naked eye. So, that's what she believe though after so many ritual the four of them undergo,
 they never manage to see one so far... hemmm.... 

Crissy was a girl who cannot get by one hour without food. She'll say.. " Oh, you know how I'll get nauseous if i don't eat every one hour, right?". Cute and adorable Crissy never refuse a meal and she ask a lot.....but never did manage to really got the answer right......yeah! well, she was asking too much for a twelve year old...

They had made a pact one day that they will always be by each other when they needed a friend....What happen later??...there's only one way to find out....
 catch us again later.

"A continuation. Mas Tarde amigo...."
~ver que cuando te veo~