It is really hard these days... to find a friend..
Real friends... I mean
Even harder to find humanity in a human being~
I cooked a meal for you, not asking you to repay me
but remember me sometimes , that will do,
I had my birthday alone,
you didn't bother
to be there with me
How sad, how gloomy
life is...without
a real friend
feeling emotional..
my fingers starts to bashed the keyboard
with words
that i seldom wrote
should i share or should i not
the story of four little birds
4 little birds was once friends
eagle, swallow , pigeon and a peacock
the swallow thought these was his world
so he joined forces and fly together
what it didn't know was that
they didn't feel the same
so it was shattered as they joined forces
and stab it in the back
why is that you may ask
It was all his fault.. too young and too foolish
just like Rome wasn't built in a day
Friendship wasn't built in months..
So the swallow left
Knowing that he only had his own kind to turn to when in need..
Then years passed by...
The swallow was getting used of the lonely life
He flew up high
in the vast blue sky
He ignored others comment
and He was himself
free and wise
He grew older each day that pass
Soon, he stumble upon a tree
There lay an eagle whom was once his friend
He said hi and shared some stories
they noticed not..
how the minutes have passed
The eagle and the swallow grew closer
closer and closer
until they were friends again
The swallow was happy
The eagle seemed happy
The flew together
and ate together
play together
sleep together
two years have passed by...
they were still friends
Swallow however
grew tired of the eagle's wild and carnivorous act
Swallow's cousins and friends were eaten by the eagle
The eagle even asked for the swallow's meat
Being an incredible friend
The swallow cut a piece of her meat and give to the eagle
The eagle eat it without feeling any remorse or guilt
Then the eagle asked for her nest to laid in,
the swallow give way to the eagle
she sleep leaning towards a tree bark
Then the eagle kept asking
and the swallow kept giving
all in the name of friendship
then one day
The eagle went away...
The swallow was beaten and hurt
Friends are for dumb people, he said..
He live her carefree life.. friendless...thoughtless
but not heartless
He flew near and far
and met a butterfly
the butterfly was so small and always there when he needed it
but that was just in the very beginning
soon he realized
it was a friendship based on need
if he is alone then the swallow will have a friend to play with
if not.. then .... he is ignored
So the swallow
knowing that he couldn't possibly count on someone like that
flew away...higher and higher
further and farthest
until finally he met the pigeon
how beautiful
how wonderful
the pigeon
was as white as snow
at least that was how she looks like in the outside
in the inside..
how icky , how black, how tarnished her soul was
all because of the eagle, she said
the swallow thought the pigeon have come to stay
but soon she leave
as the swallow had nothing more to give
Back to being alone.. the swallow flew back to his family
torn and sad
swallow learnt a valuable lesson..
You can never find friends when there are none like you....
You may be willing, but others may not
So asked around, to those who wish,
If you didn't, then your heart might get broken
had you ask for my life, i would have given it.....
but why did you break the heart that helps me live..
I am no longer your friend and you are o longer mine..
I used to love you but now I hate you , I even hate the idea of friends
F is not for friend
F is for family.