Thursday, May 30, 2013

Owh how I wish.......

Owh how I wish I could solve every problem that came knocking at my door, (o, 0 )
Owh how I wish I could somehow give them  A solution,  ( o,o )?!
Owh how I wish I won't ever have to nod at hearing their troubled mind  pouring their hearts out to me.. <3
Owh how I wish to be able to give them comfort when I am at the least of my comfort.  (o.o")
Owh how I wish that I could blew away their sorrow when I, myself is drench with tears, (>,<''')
Owh how I wish my smile was enough, :)
Owh how I wish I could believe myself when I told them that "everything is gonna be okay, my friend."

Sincerely , ME ;-)

Friday, March 15, 2013


I have made the biggest discovery of my entire life . I've found out that losing something without trying is equally painful with losing something you have try to get .. How stupid of me. My effort wasn't even counted for and were not even recognized. It's safe to say that it's time to move on. May I have the courage to do just that~